
Award Criteria

Application should reach the Secretary, APSI by 30th June 2024.


  • < 10 y of M.Ch/DNB
  • Open to all full or associate members of the Association of less than 10 years standing after post¬ graduation.
  • Please attach scanned copy of M.Ch/DNB degree certificate


  • Four copies of the essay to be sent to the Secretary, APSI before 30th June 2024
  • Essay on any topic must be submitted in the same way as IJPS submission, in single PDF by email attachment so as to reach the Secretary, APSI by 30th June 2024
  • This is an essay. It may also include author’s original work in this suggested sequence, introduction, material and methods, review of literature, observations, discussion, summary, and conclusions.
  • Entry will have to be accompanied by application form available by email from the secretary
  • Author also needs to submit an undertaking that work has not been published.
  • Nowhere in the submission, should name of author or organization be revealed.
  • It should not be more than 5000 words, excluding references, charts, tables, and photographs etc.
  • It should include author's original work in sequence, introduction, material and methods, review of literature, observations, discussion, summary, and conclusions.
  • Photographic representation of quality is essential to substantiate the original work.
  • The winner will be chosen based on the subject matter, content and outline of the essay
  • Judges may also refuse selection for the award if entries are not up to the mark. All participants will be informed about result three weeks before the APSICON. Winner shall have to register for APSICON and present the topic from podium

Necessary Application Form should be obtained from Secretary by sending email to secretary.apsi@gmail.com by 30th June 2024. Send the same after signing as PDF.


  • Entries are invited from all full/life APSI members.
  • The award is given for presentation of the paper after preliminary selection.


  • The paper should be of high standard and should have originality. It should be relevant to the Indian context. If experience of a long series of cases is being presented, it is preferable to include a statistical analysis also. New ideas and innovation / new achievements and feats can be presented. Modification of techniques, highlighting cost effectiveness and superiority of results, development of newer instruments, etc.
  • Necessary Application Form should be obtained from Secretary by sending email to secretary.apsi@gmail.com. Send the same after signing as PDF
  • Later entry is to be sent as One PDF attachment to email along with all photographs as well as illustrations, in the same PDF so as to reach him before 30th June, 2024.
  • Author also needs to submit a separate undertaking in another PDF that work has not been published. The format can be obtained from the Secretary APSI.
  • Nowhere in the submission, should name of author or organization be revealed.
  • The papers to be presented in "Peet Prize Session" should be marked on the envelope.
  • Each participant should send 4 copies of the full text of the paper along with photographs and illustrations etc. to the Secre¬tary, APSI.
  • Acceptance: The final acceptance of the paper for podium presentation will be communicated to the participants by the Secretary, APSI. Authors who are not selected under Peet Category and still wish to present their papers in APSICON for the year if their paper is not accepted for the Peet Prize Session will have to themselves submit the same to the organizing secretary of the conference.
  • Time of Presentation: Ten minutes will be allowed for presentation, to be followed by 3 minutes discussion. Anybody from the audience is free to ask questions on the presentation, content, quality of slides, clinical importance of work, acquisition of technical skills and overall perform¬ance. Assessment sheets will be handed over to the Secretary, APSI immediately after the end of the Peet Prize Session
  • It stands confirmed that Peet Prize is for oral presentation, and even if there is a single paper approved by the selection committee, it would not qualify for an award till the paper is presented and adjudged to be award winning by the Judges.

Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
Corpus donated by Dr. J.R. Jaju. later augmented by him in year 2000 by a further contribution of Rs. 37000/-


  • Junior Plastic Surgeon undergoing post-doctoral training, or not more than one year after training
  • The paper should not have any co-author.

While submitting the abstract of the paper, please indicate on top that the paper be considered for this particular session

  • The abstract should be accompanied by a certificate from the Head of the Dept. where the participant is undergoing training
  • The abstract should be submitted to the Organising Secretary of the conference through the APSICON website
  • After submitting the abstract, please also send a covering letter with scanned copy of certificate from the Head of the Dept. (where the participant is undergoing training) to apsicon2024@gmail.com

Presentation :

  • The title slide should not indicate the name of the institution
  • The work should reflect that it has been carried out by the junior plastic surgeon.
  • 7 minutes will be allowed for presentation, to be followed by 2 minutes discussion
  • Anybody from the audience is free to ask questions on the presentation
  • Judges for the session will be appointed by the President and Secretary APSI

• Any member of APSI either individually or in combination can submit their paper for this category with the name of the principal presenter first
• Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
  • This award is made available from donation by family of Mrs. Saroja Bose and Dr. Sam C. Bose though Madurai Plastic Surgery Group.
  • The Inaugural award was given at Chandigarh APSICON 2014. There is no special session for this category of papers. During abstract submission for APSICON, authors have option to get their papers considered for this category.
  • Later scientific Committee asks for full text of such papers to be judged by a panel.
  • All delegates who opt for their paper to be considered for this award, continue to present their paper as general paper in the breakaway sessions of subjects of their papers
  • The panel is decided by Chairman of Organizing Committee, Chairman of Scientific Committee and Organizing Secretary of that APSICON
  • Chairman of Scientific Committee shall carry out the final marks summation procedure and hand over the result to Secretary APSI before General Body Meeting.
  • Winner is declared during general Body by the Secretary
  • The winner for this APSICON shall receive medal, certificate, and cash price at next APSICON.

  • Article published in any journal/ in IJPS during the previous calendar year 2023
Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
  • Started with Rs 12,500/- collected by Prof. J.K. Sinha, in 1989-90.
  • To be given to the best article published in the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery in the preceding year.
  • Cash award of Rs 1000/-. Award to be given to the first author of the article, she or he should be a member of the Association, it should reflect his actual work, should not have been published earlier
  • A committee consist¬ing of President, Secretary and Editor to decide the best paper published in IJPS 2023
  • Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
  • The Primary fund shall be derived from the endowment made by Dr.K.S.Shekar- Past President of the APSI—viz. a sum of Rupees ten lakhs (Rs.10,00,000/-) to the APSI/APSI Trust
  • Members can nominate by sending proposal in a prescribed form to The President of the year
  • Forms can be obtained by email to the secretary
  • The proposal must reach the President by 15th August, 2024. Please email to hsecapsi@gmail.com to obtain the proposal form

Members are requested to submit nominations for the teachers. Please email to drsharmark@gmail.com before 31st July 2024
Prof. C.P. Sawhney, has donated amount of rupees 4 lakhs to start an award to be known as “PGIMER - Sawhney Outstanding Teacher of the Year” award that shall be given to one of the teachers of plastic surgery.
From the savings of APSICON2014, Rs.11lakhs have been added to this corpus.
  • A younger surgeon below 65 years of age
  • Should be within 5 years of superannuation
  • Should be a full member of APSI
  • Should be a skillful professional actively involved in teaching and training of Plastic Surgeons
  • Competence and expertise will be the sole criterion

If there are two candidates of equal competence, senior person will be given due consideration
Any Full member of APSI can sponsor
Selection committee :
Chairman: Dr. C P Sawhney
Member Secretary: Dr. Ramesh Sharma. He shall assume the role of Chairman in the absence of Dr. Sawhney
Current President of APSI shall be ex-officio member.
The chairman and the member secretary can co- opt one or more
members as per their discretion
Presentation of Award:
Award shall be presented during the main Inaugural ceremony of the annual APSICON. The award will carry a certificate, medal and cash reward.
10. PGIMER I. T. Jackson Cleft & Craniofacial Surgery

The submission shall be in the form of original article format for IJPS in single .pdf file which shall be sent to Secretary, APSI by 31st July 2024
  • Corpus of Rs. Corpus of Rs. 9,66,475 Donation from savings of APSICON 2014
  • The award will be open to full members of APSI working in the field of cleft and craniofacial surgery.
  • The applicant will have to send the manuscript relating to his or her work to the selection committee well in advance of annual meeting
  • The selected entry will be presented (10 minutes, Podium) in the annual meeting followed by its publication in IJPS. The award will carry a certificate, medal and cash reward

1. Only a full member of APSI is eligible to apply for the award
Selection Committee:
1. Chairman: Dr. Ramesh Sharma
2. Current President of APSI shall serve as member secretary
3. The chairman can co-opt one or more members as per discretion
Nowhere in the submission, should name of author or organization be revealed. Entry will have to be accompanied by application form available by email from the secretary. Author also needs to submit an undertaking that work has not been published or presented earlier
The winner will be chosen based on the subject matter, content and outline of the submission. All participants will be informed about result six weeks before the APSICON. Winner shall have to register for APSICON and present the topic from podium. The organizing committee will ensure the slot of the paper as a Keynote Address preferably just prior to Cleft and Craniofacial surgery session. The said submission will afterwards be published in IJPS with the superscript “PGIMER-IT Jackson Cleft & Craniofacial Surgery Award paper”
11. APSI: Dr. S RAJA SABAPATHY LEADERSHIP AWARD (supported by Dr Somes Guha)

Applications are called for the selection for 2025 and the last date for receiving the application is 31st July 2024 by the secretary on kuhuvidush@hotmail.com
Nomination / eligible members may apply
  • The APSI – Dr S Raja Sabapathy Leadership Award (supported by Dr Somes Guha), was instituted by Dr Somes Guha, a Plastic Surgeon of Indian Origin presently settled in the US.
  • A corpus of Rs 15,00,000 has been deposited by him with the APSI to present one award each year. The award will be of the value of Rs 1,00,000 with a medal.

The Goal of the Award:
  • The intention of Dr Somes Guha in instituting this award is to provide a member of the APSI to develop leadership skills to help develop institutions, nurture academic bodies, innovations to reach out to the masses or to enhance the quality of care, thus improving the status of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in the country.
  • The award is to be used by the awardees preferentially to develop the non-surgical skills which are so essential to leave behind a legacy. It could be used to take leadership and management courses, spending time with mentors to realise specific goals or any such activity which would benefit the field of Plastic Surgery and the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. It is expected that the awardees will in future rise up to take leadership positions in the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India

Criteria for Selection
  1. The applicant must be a member of the APSI, and within 25 years from qualification. While there is no lower or upper age limit, it is expected for the awardee to be in a position to utilise the award to the stated goals of the award.
  2. The applicant must send a copy of the CV, with a letter limited to 500 words providing justification of the award and as to how he/she will utilize the award. Goals with timelines will be appreciated and this letter will form one of the important criteria of selection.
  3. The applicant will provide the name of two referees who will vouch for the candidate’s selection.
  4. Selection will be made by a committee consisting of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President of APSI, one co-opted member of the EC and Dr S Raja Sabapathy
  5. The award becomes operational in 2019. The EC decided that the committee will select the first candidate and from then on applications will be called for the selection for the award in future years
  6. The award money and the medal will be given to the candidate during the APSICON 2026

• The winner will be announced during the APSICON 2024.
• The awardee must complete the assignment before Aug, 2025 and submit a report to the Secretary of the APSI, who in turn will forward it to the EC and the members of the selection committee for approval.
12. Microsurgery, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery

13. Gen NC Sanyal Armed forces Professorship
  • Awarded by the APSI President/committee
  • Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024
14. Kamath Memorial Prize for best poster
  • The best poster presentation during the National Conference will receive this award.
  • Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
15. McNeil Audiovisual Award: among APSI junior papers
  • Instituted by a corpus of Rs 50,000/- donated by Mr. McNeil, UK, in 1994.
    Amongst the papers presented in the APSI "Best Paper Award Session" the presentation with best audio¬-visual content will be awarded this prize.
  • Applications should reach before 31st July, 2024.
16. S K Bhatnagar Quiz competition award Professor SK Bhatnagar Quiz to be conducted at conference

Click here to download the application - Download Application Form

Application and relevant documents to be sent to the APSI secretary at kuhuvidush@hotmail.com

For more information on awards, please visit APSI website : Click here



Send entry in PDF format to Secretary APSI along with application form and letter from Head of the unit by 31st July, 2024.
  • A recently concluded prospective and clinical research will get priority
  • However entry of freshly started research project or a research on the way with some preliminary data already generated can also be submitted
  • The applicant will have to declare about all financial, departmental and other help received for the research
  • The application has to be done by the candidate with either research proposal or preliminary research results in the pattern of IJPS.
  • The three judges for selection are Dr. Mukund Thatte, Dr. Rajeev Ahuja and Dr. K. Sridhar.
  • They will receive the entry documents from the applicants through the Hon. Secretary of the Association.
  • Finalist shall be chosen by the judges and the result will be conveyed to Hon. Secretary by Dr. Mukund Thatte
  • The finalist will submit interim report to Hon. Secretary during APSICON, where his selection will be announced and approved by General Body.
  • On the last day of conference and following the selection, the finalist will be asked to sign written agreement with APSI and shall be given half of the available amount of funds
  • Later during the next year the finalist can approach Dr. Mukund Thatte with final report or progress report and avail further disbursement or full remaining payment from the Hon. Treasurer
  • In the subsequent APSICON, the finalist shall make a presentation of his research from podium.
  • This presentation will be of twelve minutes followed by three minutes of discussion
15th IPRAS Humanitarian Fund Grant

Prof. C R Sundararajan national education fund

APSI Education Foundation

Promotion of Scientific Activity in Gujarat Fund

UP APSICON award for Promotion of Scientific Activity in UP

IX IPRAS Fund National
  • Various grants for research, humanitarian services, promotional activities, CME, or for inviting visiting international scholars
  • Prescribed form available with Secretary-APSI
  • Last date 31st August, 2024.
Plastic Surgery Venture Fund

Prescribed form available with Secretary-APSI

Last date 31st August, 2024
  • Corpus of Rs 2 lakh formed from the savings of APSICON '94 held at Lonavala
  • A full member of more than 10 years of standing for any project related to Plastic Surgery.
  • The venture may be a clinical study, a research project, a camp in another country, training in specialised field etc.
  • The proposal to be sent to the Secretary well before the National Meeting
  • The selection to be carried out by the Executive Council.

Click here to download the application - Download Application Form

Application and relevant documents to be sent to the APSI secretary at kuhuvidush@hotmail.com